Internship phase 2 week 7

 Week 7

💖As part of the programme, Samagrashiksha Abhiyan" , conducted by the Govt.of Kerala, the school organise "Katholsavam ".💖

A quiz Competition was also organised for LP and UP session as part of this.

⛑️The school, in this week , conducted another quiz programme related with JRC. This has enriched the knowledge of a lot of students.⛑️

I and sajeetha got opportunity to conduct PTA meeting in class 9B along with Abhinand Sir.👧🏻👧🏻

👩🏻‍🏫We got  concerned classes, substitutions, discipline duty and mid day meal duty. 👩🏻‍🏫

💫We also spent some time for gardening 🌱. Then we cleaned by campus by removing plastics♻️ and waste materials, to make eco friendly atmosphere.💚


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