Internship phase 1 week 4


🏠Internship phase 1- week 4👩🏻‍🏫


The school has reopened on 3 rd January. since it is the beginning of a new year, every faces that we came across has the hope of a new dawn.

The day began with a morning assembly.The assembly was organised by us.The principal addressed every students and showered the blessing for a new journey.

As the week started we moved to the busy schedule of conducting classes as well as taking every works related with the functioning of the school.

On the 4 th day of January, we engaged in gardening which has turned to be a wonderful treat to our eyes..

School counsellor conducted an awareness programme for girls on Menstrual hygiene. We took part in the programme.

On the 5 th day of January, we helped teachers in organising the library which was abundant with books belonging to different genres. Special class was conducted on Saturday.

Our concerned teachers visited us for conducting observation.

After that I started the week with taking lessons according to the lesson plans since there exams are over..All those experience that I gain mould my personality to become an ideal teacher.


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