My first day at college

 A college should not be a preparation for life. A college should be life. My experience of the first day at college are still fresh in my memory. That day was very precious to me. It was a blend of surprise, fear, joy and excitement. As I got alloted to the college in the spot admission, I had missed the same first day, experienced by my friends. After the four years, I again experienced an assembly. It was something special and was presented by English option. The assembly was a mind refreshing one with prayer, pledge, thought, news, speech and quiz. However I am little worried about how to make good collaboration with my friends. But jolting, they make me idea about the classes with comfortable a free atmosphere. Also they cleared about the works given by teachers. Like my friends, teachers were also very pleasant and supporting. The classes were over at 1.30pm.I experienced a new rhythm of life and returned home with a mixed sence of duty and liberty. 
                                     Our heaven


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