Internship phase 2 week 8

Week 8 🌟This was the last week of school internship phase two. It was a memorable week for me . The school internship help me to polish out the teacher in me and gives a lot of experiences.🎒 🌟During this week, we had our demonstration class for juniors. 🧡Nisha miss and Harsha miss also accompanied them.💙💛 🌟We made arrangements and stage decorations for the programme ✨️Vidhyarangam.✨️ Quiz was conducted on the topic Malayalam literature and writers. Then there was stage performances by lp students. Prizes 🏅🎖️were also distributed to the winners 🏆 🌟 we took some photographs with the permission of Anil kumar sir, as we are going to miss them.🥺 🌟 In the last day, I went to the class at second period and there I used the time to clarify all the doubts regarding the portion and also thanked all students for helping me to improve my teaching skills.👦🏻👧🏻 Also I collected valuable feedback from them .📄 🌟 Then I take time to express my sincere gratitude to pr...